Fishing in the Twizel Canals offers a unique and thrilling experience for anglers of all skill levels. Nestled in the heart of New Zealand’s Central South Island, these canals are renowned for their pristine waters and abundant fish populations, making them a top destination for freshwater fishing enthusiasts. This article delves into the specific fishing rules of the Twizel Canals, providing essential information to ensure a rewarding and responsible fishing trip.

Understanding Twizel Canal Fishing Rules

The Twizel Canals are subject to specific fishing regulations to preserve the aquatic environment and maintain a sustainable fishing culture. Here’s a breakdown of the key rules:


Fishing in the Twizel Canals requires anglers to hold a valid fishing license issued by Fish & Game New Zealand. These licenses are obtainable through multiple channels:

  • Online Purchase: Anglers can conveniently purchase fishing licenses through authorized online platforms. This method offers ease and accessibility for obtaining the necessary permits before embarking on a fishing trip.
  • Local Vendors: Alternatively, fishing licenses can be acquired from local vendors situated in the vicinity of the Twizel Canals. This option provides anglers with the flexibility to obtain licenses in-person, often available in tackle shops or visitor centers.

Fishing Methods

Anglers are granted the freedom to utilize various fishing techniques within the Twizel Canals, including spinning, bait fishing, and fly fishing. However, adherence to specific guidelines ensures responsible angling practices:

  • Allowed Methods: Anglers are permitted to employ spinning, bait fishing, and fly fishing techniques to pursue their catch.
  • Hook Restrictions: To minimize harm to the aquatic population, the use of single-hooked lures and flies is encouraged. This measure aims to reduce injuries to fish, promoting ethical angling practices and sustainable fishing.

Catch Limits and Sizes

To regulate fishing pressure and maintain healthy fish populations, strict limits on catch quantities and size requirements are imposed:

  • Daily Bag Limits: Anglers are subject to daily bag limits, which dictate the maximum number of fish they can harvest in a single day. These limits vary seasonally but typically allow for the capture of up to two salmon and four trout per day.
  • Minimum Size: In addition to catch limits, minimum size requirements are enforced to protect juvenile fish and ensure the sustainability of the fishery. Trout must measure at least 30 cm in length, while salmon must reach a minimum length of 40 cm before they can be legally retained.

Seasonal Restrictions

Seasonal regulations are implemented to align fishing activities with natural spawning cycles and conserve fish populations. While trout fishing in the Twizel Canals is permitted year-round, specific seasons govern salmon fishing, typically extending from October to March. This timeframe aligns with peak spawning periods, ensuring the protection of spawning fish populations and allowing them to complete their reproductive cycle undisturbed, thereby contributing to the long-term sustainability of the fishery.

Best Fishing Spots in Twizel Canals

To maximize your fishing success, knowing the best spots in the Twizel Canals is crucial. Here are the top locations:

Ohau C Canal

The Ohau C Canal stands out as one of the premier fishing destinations in the Twizel Canals, celebrated for its diverse range of fish species and picturesque surroundings. Here are some key highlights:

  • Abundant Rainbow and Brown Trout: Anglers flock to the Ohau C Canal for the opportunity to reel in sizable rainbow and brown trout. These species thrive in the canal’s pristine waters, providing anglers with exciting fishing prospects.
  • Tranquil Setting: Nestled amidst stunning natural scenery, the Ohau C Canal offers anglers a serene fishing experience amidst the tranquility of the surrounding landscape. The peaceful ambiance enhances the overall fishing experience, making it a favored spot among enthusiasts.
  • Strategic Fishing Opportunities: Anglers can strategically position themselves along the Ohau C Canal to maximize their chances of success. By targeting specific areas such as deeper pools or undercut banks, anglers can increase their likelihood of encountering trophy-sized trout.

Tekapo Canal

The Tekapo Canal emerges as another favored fishing spot within the Twizel Canals, renowned for its productive waters and excellent opportunities for catching salmon. Here’s what makes it a standout location:

  • Salmon Fishing Paradise: During the salmon fishing season, which typically spans from October to March, the Tekapo Canal becomes a hotspot for anglers seeking to hook prized salmon specimens. The canal’s conducive environment and abundant salmon population make it an ideal destination for salmon fishing enthusiasts.
  • Scenic Beauty: In addition to its fishing prospects, the Tekapo Canal offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding landscape, characterized by rolling hills and crystal-clear waters. Anglers can immerse themselves in the beauty of nature while indulging in their favorite pastime.
  • Accessibility: The Tekapo Canal is easily accessible, with well-maintained paths and fishing platforms available along its length. Anglers of all skill levels can enjoy the convenience of accessing prime fishing spots without the need for specialized equipment or transportation.

Pukaki Canal

The Pukaki Canal earns its reputation as one of the must-visit fishing spots in the Twizel Canals, celebrated for its stunning scenery and bountiful fish stocks. Here’s what sets it apart:

  • Scenic Splendor: The Pukaki Canal mesmerizes visitors with its awe-inspiring beauty, featuring panoramic views of the snow-capped peaks of the Southern Alps and the tranquil waters of Lake Pukaki. Anglers can enjoy a truly immersive fishing experience amidst this breathtaking backdrop.
  • Abundance of Fish: Anglers frequent the Pukaki Canal for its rich aquatic life, which includes a variety of fish species such as trout and salmon. The canal’s nutrient-rich waters support thriving fish populations, ensuring that anglers have ample opportunities to make impressive catches.
  • Variety of Fishing Environments: The Pukaki Canal offers diverse fishing environments, ranging from shallow riffles to deep pools, providing anglers with a variety of fishing experiences. Whether casting from the shore or wading in the shallows, anglers can tailor their fishing approach to suit their preferences and target species.

Fishing Techniques and Tips

Twizel Canal Fishing

Enhance your fishing experience in the Twizel Canals with these effective techniques and tips:

Early Morning Fishing

Harness the magic of the early morning hours to your advantage by embarking on fishing expeditions during sunrise, the golden period when fish activity peaks. Delve into the reasons behind the effectiveness of early morning fishing:

  • Optimal Fish Activity: The cool, tranquil waters of the Twizel Canals come alive with heightened fish activity during the early morning. Fish are more inclined to feed voraciously during this time, capitalizing on the abundance of natural prey items available in the water column.
  • Strategic Timing: Sunrise marks the commencement of a new day, and fish are eager to start their feeding frenzy. By strategically timing your fishing outings to coincide with the dawn chorus, you position yourself for a higher likelihood of encountering actively feeding fish.
  • Sensory Stimulation: Experience the sensory delight of witnessing the first rays of sunlight dance upon the water’s surface, illuminating the picturesque landscape of the Twizel Canals. Immerse yourself in the symphony of nature as you await the exhilarating strike of your next catch.

Using the Right Bait

Master the art of bait selection to allure and entice fish in the Twizel Canals, ensuring that your bait arsenal is well-stocked with irresistible offerings tailored to the preferences of your target species. Explore a plethora of bait options and their respective advantages:

  • Salmon Eggs: Considered a delicacy in the underwater realm, fresh or cured salmon eggs serve as a delectable treat for discerning salmon in the Twizel Canals. Their innate scent and appearance closely mimic the natural forage available to salmon, eliciting instinctual feeding responses.
  • Worms: Whether live or artificial, worms rank among the perennial favorites of trout enthusiasts seeking to tempt their quarry in the canals. The undulating motion of worms in the water provokes predatory instincts in trout, triggering aggressive strikes and thrilling battles.
  • Artificial Lures: Embrace the versatility of artificial lures, ranging from flashy spinners to lifelike soft plastics, as you experiment with different presentations to lure fish into striking. Customize your approach by adjusting lure colors, sizes, and retrieval speeds to match the prevailing conditions and preferences of your target species.

Weather Conditions

Decode the subtle nuances of weather patterns to gain a competitive edge in your fishing endeavors, recognizing the profound influence that atmospheric conditions exert on fish behavior and feeding activity. Navigate the complexities of weather-related fishing strategies with precision and finesse:

  • Overcast Days: Embrace the silver lining of overcast skies, which cast a protective veil over the Twizel Canals, shielding fish from harsh sunlight and reducing their wariness. Capitalize on the increased comfort and confidence exhibited by fish during overcast conditions to capitalize on their heightened activity levels.
  • Meteorological Dynamics: Stay attuned to the dynamic interplay of meteorological phenomena, such as approaching storms or fronts, which can trigger significant shifts in fish behavior. Anticipate the potential for aggressive feeding behavior or seek sheltered areas to intercept fish seeking refuge from inclement weather.

Regulations for Boat Use

Boating is a popular way to access various fishing spots in the canals:

Boat Type

When navigating the canals, it’s essential to use only non-motorized boats or those equipped with electric motors. This restriction is implemented to minimize disturbance to the delicate ecosystem and wildlife inhabiting the canals. By opting for non-motorized or electric-powered vessels, boaters can traverse the waterways with minimal noise pollution and environmental impact, preserving the tranquil ambiance and natural habitat of the canals.

Safety Regulations

Safety should always remain a top priority when embarking on boating excursions in the canals. To ensure the well-being of all occupants and promote responsible boating practices, the following safety regulations must be strictly adhered to:

  • Life Jacket Requirement: All boaters, regardless of age or swimming ability, are required to wear properly fitted life jackets while onboard a vessel. Life jackets serve as crucial safety devices, providing buoyancy and protection in the event of an accidental immersion or emergency situation. By wearing life jackets at all times, boaters mitigate the risk of drowning and enhance their chances of survival in water-related incidents.
  • Adherence to Maritime Safety Rules: Boaters are expected to comply with local maritime safety rules and regulations governing vessel operation and navigation. These rules encompass a range of safety measures, including speed limits, navigation lights, and right-of-way protocols, designed to prevent collisions and ensure safe passage on the water. By following these guidelines, boaters contribute to a culture of safety and respect for fellow watercraft users, fostering a harmonious boating environment within the canals.

Conservation Efforts

The management of the Twizel Canals emphasizes conservation:

Catch and Release

One of the primary conservation strategies implemented within the Twizel Canals is the promotion of catch-and-release practices among anglers. This approach encourages anglers to release fish back into the water, particularly those that are of breeding size or exhibit signs of stress. By releasing these fish unharmed, anglers contribute to the preservation of fish populations and maintain genetic diversity within the ecosystem. Catch and release also play a vital role in sustaining recreational fishing opportunities for future generations, ensuring that anglers can continue to enjoy the thrill of pursuing trophy-sized fish in the canals.

Habitat Protection

Efforts to enhance and protect fish habitats within the Twizel Canals are a cornerstone of conservation endeavors. Various initiatives are underway to improve habitat quality and promote the well-being of aquatic species. These efforts include:

  • Vegetation Management: Vegetation plays a crucial role in providing shelter, spawning grounds, and food sources for fish and other aquatic organisms. Therefore, habitat restoration projects focus on managing vegetation along the canal banks to create optimal habitat conditions for fish populations. By preserving and enhancing riparian vegetation, conservationists aim to bolster biodiversity and improve overall ecosystem health.
  • Water Quality Monitoring: Maintaining water quality is paramount for the health and survival of fish species inhabiting the canals. Ongoing water quality monitoring programs help identify potential threats to water quality, such as pollution, nutrient runoff, and sedimentation. By closely monitoring water parameters and implementing measures to mitigate adverse impacts, conservationists strive to preserve the pristine aquatic environment of the Twizel Canals and safeguard the well-being of resident fish populations.


Adhering to the Twizel Canal fishing rules is crucial for both the sustainability of the fisheries and the quality of your fishing experience. By following the guidelines outlined above, anglers can enjoy the rich waters of the Twizel Canals responsibly and effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned fisherman or a newcomer to the sport, the Twizel Canals offer a fishing adventure unlike any other in New Zealand. Remember to stay informed about the latest regulations and conservation efforts to help preserve this incredible fishing destination for future generations.


Q1: Do I need a special permit to fish in the Twizel Canals?

A1: Yes, a valid fishing license from Fish & Game New Zealand is required.

Q2: What is the best time of year to fish in the Twizel Canals?

A2: While fishing is available year-round for trout, the best time for salmon is from October to March.

Q3: Are there any size restrictions for the fish caught in the Twizel Canals?

A3: Yes, the minimum size is 30 cm for trout and 40 cm for salmon.

Q4: Can I use my motorboat in the Twizel Canals?

A4: Only boats with electric motors or non-motorized boats are permitted to maintain the tranquility and protect the ecosystem.

Q5: What are the consequences of not following the Twizel Canal fishing rules?

A5: Violating the fishing rules can result in fines, confiscation of gear, or revocation of fishing licenses.