
Reel for fly fishing – the usual inertia, but it is best to buy a model with adjustable friction. This simple mechanism will help to save the tackle when jerking especially large trophies.

It is desirable to buy a reel at the same time with the rod, under its class. Inertion and rod should be well balanced, otherwise fishing with fly fishing can be somewhat uncomfortable.


Fly fishing, like other types of fishing, can give you a meeting with a particularly strong trophy. When there is not enough cord to fight it, backing comes to the rescue. This is a 30-50 meter length of pre-wound braided fishing line with a breaking load that will allow you to overpower your likely opponent, typically 13-18 lb (LB) breaking load cords are used for mid-range tackle. Next, you need to tie a cord to this braided fishing line.


The cord for fly fishing is important not only as a connecting element of the lure with the rod. It is a kind of loading of the whole tackle, allowing you to throw the lightest fly. As well as rods, cords are divided into the same 14 classes, and you need to use them under “your” power rod.

An important characteristic of cords is the non-uniformity of their cross-section along the length, the so-called “taper”. And there are up to eight different types of different tapers. Deepening into this question for beginners will not say much, this topic for disputes between experienced fly.

Beginners are recommended to use simple cylindrical cords because of their relatively low cost compared to other types of sections. It is not possible to achieve the maximum throw with such cords, but they are recommended as a consumable material for perfecting the technique of fly fishing.

Cone cords are more expensive and their use gives the angler certain advantages, but it is recommended to buy them not earlier than the second season, when the concept of how to catch fly fishing will reach a completely new qualitative level.

Under fishing line and leash

This element of the tackle is designed to camouflage the tackle. Usually painted in bright colors fish are afraid of the cord, so it is tied to it and the fishing line. The knot for connecting the two parts is the same: loop in a loop.

The fishing line also has a taper, and along its entire length. The thick end of it is connected to the cord, and to the thin – tie the leash and hook.

The leash is used on the same principle as in other types of fishing. It is designed to protect the tackle at hooks, when its breakage means only the loss of the fly, not the entire tackle.


Several types of lures are used for fly fishing, such as:

  • fly flies;
  • nymphs;
  • streamers.